
My Goal my Ambition

What achievements were made in 2022 in 2022, i don't think i've accomplished any big achievements, but as far as i could remember, i completed works on the 5'th semester neatly, as well as the test. it turned out pretty well, compared to previous semesters, which i had to attend online school. in 2022 i also started to exercise on my drawing skills, in order to preapare for the university test. since i wanted to sign myself to FSRD ITB,  which acquire a drawing test and good grades in order to pass.   What needs to be improved from the previous year I should've study harder, and improve my math grades. i also need to make my own goal for that year and fix my time management and sleep schedule.   Goals in 2023 - passing my dream university - did well completing the 6th semester of school - did well on tests - improve my math -improve my drawing skill - study for the uni entrance test - learn how to paint with watercolor neatly  :( - actually manage to accomplish/complete

b) My Future Plans

My goal is to be succesful but in enjoyable way so i plan to choose visual communication design as my future university study field, since i enjoy making handcrafts and drawing ever since i was a little. It’s my hobby! Things that i like to do. I hope that i can learn more about arts and design in this study field and improve my drawing skill.

a) Hello there! Let me Introduce myself.

My name Is Difina maharani, You can call me Fina to be short. I was born in Medan, but recently i moved and live in Bandung, I was born on May 27th 2006. I am currently 16 y.o. I am the youngest child in my Family. My hobbies are drawing, and reading novels.  I don't have much to say about myself to be honest. I usually draw digitally, i used to draw a lot back then in mid-school, it's like my moodbooster that i did after going home from school. but somehow, these past days i kind of lost my in drawing, as i got busier with highschool tasks. but i still do some scriblles sometimes. I like to make some crafts too! like making clay souvenir, and stuffs. i usually make clay crafts with my sister. Aside from that, i like sweets! except for chocolate. it's not like i hate them, but i just am not that intrested in it.